Top 50 Reasons to Ban Smoking At Home
- Smoking is unhealthy, deadly and costly habit.
- Bad for pregnant women and increased the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
- Babies who exposed to secondhand smoke have more health problems when growing up.
- Need a tobacco-free environment for healthy child growing as their organs are still developing.
- Parents or neighbours who smoke set bad examples for kids.
- To protect the vulnerable and minority especially when smokers are family members that you can’t oppose directly.
- Third-hand smoke linger on the furniture and clothing and cause risks to babies & toddlers.
- Utility bill increases as fans and air-con need to switch on constantly to fan off the smoke.
- Medical cost increases as secondhand smoke
cause asthmatic, eczema, heart & respiratory problems.
- Unable to enjoy free fresh air at home.
- Unable to hang laundry out to dry due to cigarette ashes & smell.
- Dirty neighbours’ laundry, service yards and air con.
- Unable to open all the windows or door at home.
- Secondhand smokes cause giddiness and nausea.
- Secondhand smokes cause emotional stress.
- Secondhand smokes damage one’s lungs and immunity.
- Secondhand smokes invade one’s enjoyment at home.
- Reduce one’s productivity from working from home.
- Forced to inhale toxic fumes in our supposedly the safest place on earth.
- Harm the relationship and harmony among neighbours.
- Cigarette butts cause environmental harm.
- Cigarette butts a potential fire hazard when disposed irresponsibly.
- Smokers waste taxpayers’ money.
- #Secondhandsmoke victims have to pay the price for smokers’ damages.
- Deteriorate the medical condition of cancer patients who are resting at home.
- Secondhand smokes kill innocent.
- Sick and cancer-stricken smokers are a financial burden for family.
- Smokers stink and smell like nicotine especially when you are sharing lift with them.
- Smokers fight with non-smokers for scarce resources e.g. medical care & organ transplant.
- Smokers are the biggest high-rise litterbug.
- Estate cleaners are at contamination risk to pick up cigarette butts that stuck in the drain.
- Couldn’t sleep well at night as constant getting up to close and open the windows.
- Smokers used smoking as a legitimate reason not to wear masks.
- Smokers cough and sneeze outside the windows without covering their mouth.
- Clean air is important as we are now 24x7 staying at home due to Covid-19.
- Pets are affected by secondhand smokes too.
- The most common complaints among residents for many years yet no solution.
- “The smokers embarrassed me and drove away by visitors as my house has odd smell.”
- “Medical cost in Singapore very expensive. Cannot anyhow fall sick but secondhand smoke made me sick easily.”
- “Smoking neighbours affect my flat valuation. Nobody want to buy my flat as I’m surrounded by smokers.”
- “My house is sealed and hot like a sauna. Thanks to the smokers!”
- “The inconsiderate smokers treat my flower pots as their rubbish bin.”
- “My dad used to be nice dad but turn into temperamental monster when he started smoking.”
- “Our neighbours are hostile towards us because my Uncle’s smokes affect them”.
- “My neighbours look down on us because my parents smoke.”
- “Affect my studies as my mum quarrels with the smoking neighbours almost every day.”
- “I don’t want to get dementia from inhaling secondhand smoke when I grow old.”
- “We need a healthy body to fight Covid-19 as this is going to be a long-time health crisis.”
- “Secondhand smoke affect my intelligence as for the past 20 years, I couldn’t think of ways to deal with them.”
- “Smoking makes smokers dumb as they said ban vehicles flumes and not smoking but they forgot which toxic was easier to manage.”
You are welcome to add more reasons to ban smoking at home in the comment below.
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