I'm a Victim of Second Hand Smoke for 20 Years

My family and I have been a victim of second hand smoke for more than 20 years ever since we moved into HDB flat in Singapore. We are surrounded by smokers - top, below, left and right units. The situation got worst when one of the units was rented out to foreigners who were all heavy smokers. Our nighmares started when the smokers either smoke early in the morning or in the middle of the night. There were many times we had to wake up in the middle of the night to close the windows before more second hand smokes get into our house. But closing the window would only make the house hot and stuffy especially during hot days and we don't have any air con to help us.

So you could imagine we have to wake up several times at night to close and open the windows as there were a few smokers smoking randomly in different rooms at different times. As a result, our health have been deeply affected by interrupted sleep. My blood pressure at one period have gone up to 165/90 mmHg and now still lingering at 140-150/90 mmHg.

What We Have Done
We have contacted all the relevant government agencies including MP, HDB, Town Council, NEA and even the Police but none of them have any solution to stop it. The s*#*# reason was because they smoke inside their house!!! It is legal to smoke inside their house??? So while they were happily smoking, they could let the lethal second hand smokes to drift into their neighbour's house. This is totally unacceptable!! The law has already stated that this is a form of harrassment and perpetrator could be punished. Look like our governemnt officers are either ignorance or not updated with this information otherwise they could utilise it to save a lot of unfortunate victims.

Strangely, the government classified second hand smoke nuisance as an HDB issue rather than health issue. They would ask all the second hand smoke victims to go for mediation at their own cost and time. It is not compulsory for perpetrator to attend so after all the efforts, the victims are back to square one again!


Are you also a second hand smoke victim? What kind of frustration and agony did you encounter? Do you have luck solving this problem?

All second hand smoke victims should not suffer alone! Let's learn and support each other. Share your story with us today.

The Blue Survivor


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