Smokers have No Smoking Right

Every time we hear smokers defencing their smoking right when there is a call to ban smoking in certain places. 

However, they forget that unlike drinking and gambling, smoking is a slow form of committing suicide.

So smoker, don’t insist on your smoking right when …..

  • You are the burden to your family when you are sick and old!
  • You are the burden to our health when your cigarette butts contaminate our food chain!
  • You are the burden to living beings by killing us with your second hand smoke!
  • You are the burden to our healthcare system when you are fighting scarce medical resources with your victims!
  • You are the burden to the cleaners when they need to clean up your cigarette butts mess!
  • You are the burden to the community when you cause neighbourly disputes over your second hand smoke!
  • You are the burden to your company when you drag down the company's performance and productivity from your smoking breaks & MC!
  • You are a burden to taxpayers’ money when government had to build smoking cabin and shelters just to satisfy your selfish habit!
  • You are the burden to our earth when you pollute the air, environment and kill the birds and fishes!

So what smoking right are you talking when you are a burden to everyone?


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